Open Letter


Dear World Leaders,

As a society, the human collective has been treated with such huge disrespect by you, our leaders, for way too long.

No matter what country we live in, you continue to lie to us every day.

Be it through saying you will do something while trying to get us to vote for you – and then not delivering or changing your mind. Be it through hiding some erroneous error you or your staff has made.

Be it through hiding some scandal you have willingly participated in – and then lying about it. Be it stating one reason for something (say, going to war with another country; or invading another country) when the real reason is something completely different.

Or, be it through allowing corruption to still exist at all levels of your governments, while still doing nothing effective to stamp it out, but, instead, paying billions to so-called ‘government’ investigations, programs and law enforcement strategies that never seem to ‘get’ the really’ big’ guys.

The list of  lies you have told us are endless… But what -  or who – are you covering up – and working – for?

So today, as 2014 begins anew, we ask you to start anew, too.

We ask that you stop lying about wars. Stop lying about policy decisions. Stop lying about history. Stop lying about who really controls the world markets and currencies. In fact please stop lying about anything to do with money and budgets and credit card debt and mortgage foreclosures and interest and taxes  – when you still allow the big bankers and their owners to hold the rest of us to ransom.

You’ve all seen – and some of you’ve felt – the roar of the crowd this past year in particular, as people in dozens of your countries have decided enough is enough, and taken to the streets in their hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and sometimes in their millions to tell you” “We have had enough of this untrue way of living.” This is their truth. But it is also yours.

Talk to your fellow leaders in Egypt, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Cambodia, Thailand, Brazil, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey and many other countries. They’ll tell you something is up.

Yes, ‘people’s patience and anger’ with you, your decisions and your way of ‘governing’ is what’s ‘up’.

Stephen Cookjobs you believe you were either born to do, have a right to do, or have undemocratically been elected to do.

Yes, some of you did storm into power legitimately –  or managed to cobble together a minority government to do so – but your behaviour and lack of true and honest action in power has left people turning away from you in droves. Almost as quickly as they voted you in.

Why? Because you’re simply not doing your job: which is serving us… Governing for the people who voted you in.

Sure, during 2013 we’ve seen some truths come to light.  But not through you, our world leaders, being openly and totally honest. Rather, it’s been though more brave whistleblowers having to fear for their lives as they speak out against those who are the perpetrators of wrong doings.

Yes, some big bankers have been fined – but where did they get the money to pay these fines? And who are they paying these fines to?

Yes, some ‘bad guys’ have been arrested and jailed. And yes, corruption inquiries are underway in many countries.

And yes, we’ve finally seen some of the truth about what the NSA – and, no doubt, most other surveillance programs and organisations in countries well beyond the US – have been up to, by spying on us every day since George W. Bush signed some secret document in 2001 that has only now been released.

But none of YOU told us that truth. We have a young man called Edward Snowden to thank for doing that. And while I doubt he acted alone, he now lives in semi-exile in a foreign country – for telling the truth that you really should have told us in the first place.

Yet we don’t seek revenge. All we ask of you is to tell us the truth. Every day, from here on in.

So, dear leaders, please give us some true and honest answers this year; answers to questions such as:

What is our true history?  Why have religions, scientists and others re-written the truth to suit their needs and agendas?

Why do you all keep covering up the presence of our universal brothers and sisters – or extraterrestrials as some would say? What really happened at Roswell in 1947? What’s the real story of the moon landing and why can’t all the astronauts, cosmonauts and other men and women who’ve journeyed into space tell their true stories?

Who really started – and how and why did they start – all the wars of the 20th and 21st century?

Who really is responsible for such fear-invoking events as 9/11; the London, Mumbai, Boston and Bali bombings; the Lockerbie and Concorde air disasters – and many others?

Why is it that just ONE per cent of the people on this planet is SO rich that they own nearly everything and rule so many aspects of our lives?

Can you please tell us who is really running this world? Who runs the banks?  Who owns the world’s money markets and currencies? Who manipulates them? For you often say: it’s out of your control.

Why are the governments many of you run more like corporations? And why do you bend on hands and knees to do what big corporations want, rather than all of us?

Why has so much new technology been stifled, hidden and thwarted, when we are still polluting our atmosphere and our lungs by driving petrol-powered cars – yet you claim you want to save us all from climate change?

Why are people really living in poverty? Why do epidemics that appear to be man-made still have yet to be tracked to source. Can you also tell us the truth of why the big pharmaceutical companies say they are helping us to health – yet are profiting enormously from our ills?

Why are so many good people in a variety of countries starving, when the wealthy toss tonnes of food out every day? Can you also tell us why the big food producers continue to refuse to tell us exactly what’s in their products that continue to cause us ill-health? Why sugar and salt are hidden in nearly all we buy from the giant supermarkets, who continue to freeze the little guys, us, out?

Why do you allow any company to continue to rape, pillage and pollute our environment, felling huge swathes of the world’s forests and trees?

Why is there still such inequality on racial, sexual, gender, religious and economic grounds? Why are people from one country allowed better lives than those from another?

Why is your country, or the country next door, still using or developing nuclear weapons or power? And if it’s not you, why are you allowing them to do so?

And  why are you still shoving dangerous chemicals into the water we drink and the air we breathe each day – the two most vital things for life – when you know, deep down inside, that it’s killing us?

As I’m sure you’ll agree, I’ve hardly touched the surface here. I’ll bet you can think of hundreds of examples from 2013 alone where you haven’t told us the truth.

Yet, WE are the people YOU serve. And, as many of you tell us when we vote you in, it’s a privilege and an honour to do so.

So, dear leaders, why, why, why, are you not doing the right thing by ALL of us? Why are you not telling US the truth?

If you did, do you not realise that we’d instantly have more respect and faith in you and what you do.

Yet, based on the way so many of us are feeling around the world right now, it’s very likely that you won’t be our ‘leaders’ for  too much longer if you don’t change your ways…

So, this year, we, the people of the world, the people YOU serve, demand to know the truth – about everything. It’s a win-win situation.

Which is why we trust, dear leaders, that you can see it in your hearts and consciences to tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth in 2014. We expect and deserve no less.

And so, I ask that you all – each and every one of you – start telling us the truth from this day forth and forever more.

Here’s to a truthful 2014 – for ALL of us!


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